Dimplez Mail: Jail Made T.I. Soft..
Dear Miss Dimplez,
First off I love your site. I respect how you keep a little bit of everything on here, shit for the fellas and shit for the females, that's legit as fuck... Anyway I got a question, is it just me or has T.I. lost his edge? I'm a DJ and people be requesting his shit, but real talk I don't like his new shit. I mean I understand he went away to jail and all, but he's coming back weaker than ever. He used to be the GOAT, but I just can't feel his flow no more... I think jail made him soft. All these features and singles he keeps dropping ain't cutting it. The 'king' needs to take a step back and prove shit. Anyway, keep doing what you do miss.Respect,
DJ King Jones