Chris Brown Has 12 Strands.......

In other Chris Breezy related news... word is that Rihanna called him up after she saw him cry;
"Rihanna has reportedly been in contact with her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown. The Te Amo singer, who was assaulted by Brown before last years Grammy Awards is said to have spoken to Chris over the telephone. A source told heat magazine: "It's been almost a year since they last spoke, but Rihanna felt like she could try to be friends with Chris again. Seeing how emotional he was on set [at the BET Awards] really touched her. She'd never seen him like that before. Chris told her that he felt like he's grown up in the past year. He's said he's so happy to be back in touch with her. They were each other's first love and he's missed her so much. Rihanna knows that if he wanted him back, he'd be there in a second." [Source]CHRIS DON'T DO IT!