Dear Amber Rose...

According to my source, Amber Rose and Reggie Bush arrived together at the AXE Lounge in Southampton Saturday night and were caught canoodling all night long. Apparently, they even took bathroom breaks together, which required a security guard to guide them through the jam-packed crowd.

Dear Amber Rose...
I like you because you take a mean picture (like your set with Cream Mag below), but now that you're stepping out on my man (Kanye West) we've got some problems. I do not care if you want to be the next Kim Kardashian and dig your claws in on the entire NFL & then some; but until you and Ye' are OFFICIALLY NOT TOGETHER, I'm going to need you to sit your gold diggin' ex-strippin' bald-headed Kanye-stealin' wanna-be-black-havin' backside down.

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