Kanye West Said He Likes My Facebook...

Okay, so maybe he doesn't like MY facebook in particular, but he does like it in general. Kanye West was at the Palo Alto headquaters of Facebook having a meeting with a couple of high honchos. I don't know what the meeting was about, but I'm assuming it was a good one, because shortly after, he decided to perform some new material on top of a table for all the facebookers. When he got home, he wrote on his blog about how much he appreciated the whole experience...
"To all my friends at Facebook, Many times in life I’ve had to deal with moments of doubt. And as it’s been a minute since I’ve performed any fresh material in front of an audience, this could’ve been one of those moments… but it wasn’t. Your energy was a gift so electric, so genuine, that it really helped me give my best. The energy was so inspiring I had to keep going! I just hope you got as much from me as I got from you…which was everything!
Love to all my fans, especially at Facebook. -Kanye West"

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