Serena Speaks On Thickness & Ex-boo Common

About her thickness...
"I was 23 when I realized that I wasn't Venus. She's totally different," she explains. "I'm super-curvy. I have big boobs and this massive butt. She's tall and she's like a model and she fits everything. I was growing up, wanting to be her, wanting to look like her, and I was always fitting in her clothes, but then one day I couldn't. But it's fine. Now I'm obviously good, but it's a weird thing. Since I don't look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good..."

About Common...
"His schedule is actually worse than mine," she sighs. "He didn't want the responsibility. It's really tough." Common then began promoting his latest film, heaping enough praise on Williams that people assumed they were still on. ("Beautiful, intelligent woman, fun and spiritual woman. I think she's an incredible person," he told Access Hollywood. "So I called him and I was like, Why are you saying all this stuff when we're not together?"Word on the street is, he still wants her, but she's not having it...