Diggy Simmons Signs to Atlantic Records
"As some of you may know, I've been doing PR for Diggy Simmons, son of Rev Run, since December. After releasing his first mixtape "The First Flight" and remixes to "Star Is Born", "Over" and "Made You Look", I'd like to announce that as of today, a day after his 15th birthday, Daniel Simmons has signed with Atlantic Records!!! It has been a journey and it only gets better from here! Thanks for your support.." - Cathryn Marie

This is so crazy seeing him blow up. I remember just over a month ago in meeting Cathryn Marie and setting up an interview with Diggy (read that here)... Back then there wasn't a doubt in my mind that he was destined for greatness, and it's amazing watching him sky rocket before our eyes. I can't wait to see what he does next, but I know it will be awesome.
Connect with Cathryn @CathrynMarie + http://musicmarketing101.blogspot.com/
Connect with Diggy @Diggy_Simmons + http://digslifeofthejetsetter.blogspot.com/