Advice Letter: I'm A Sucka 4 Luv... HELP!

Dear Miss Dimplez,
My question is about a girl in my class , that I met by sending her a cute lil email crush to which she loved. We started hanging out and going to mall and dates and etc it was a match made in heaven we have so much in common. I talked to her about how much I dug her and whatnot, and she told me that she wasnt looking for a boyfriend right now. So I was fine with that but it seemed that after that time she started to get distant, so I told her i would stop contacting her cuz my feelings were strong for her to just be friends. When I cut off contact with her she kept contacting me and when I initiate again it goes well for a few days and then she gets distant again. Im currently talking to her again but it seem like she gets mad that i cut off my "boyish charm" and ask me if something is wrong, if I have a problem with her. What should I do I am confused, or is she just confused or am I just in the "friendzone". by the way im 24 and she is 21
Sucka 4 Luv

Dear Sucka 4 Luv,
She wants to be chased, without being 'caught'. It seems as though every time you get close she pushes you away. And as eager as you are to pursue a relationship past the "friend zone", my suggestion is pump the brakes until you've seen all the cards. Have another conversation with her and let her know exactly how you feel and that friendship is not something you're interested in. Maybe there's something going on with her that she has not been up front about. If at the end of that conversation a friendship is all she is interested in, and you're not okay with that, move on. As old as you are, you do not need to be an emotional yo-yo.
- Miss Dimplez

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